Absolutely Fantastic New 4x4 accessories 

4WD Accesories

If you’ve never heard of AFN 4x4, don’t fret about it.  We’re about to help you out; so pay attention. 

AFN 4x4 Australia is the Oceania partner of AFN Portugal, a company which started up back in 1995. 

Now, we’ve never been to Portugal, but apparently, it’s a pretty rough and tumble place when you get out of town. Kitting out your 4x4 over there is a pretty big deal. 

It’s not something you want to do with vehicle protection systems that aren’t up to doing the business, so you can imagine if a company sets itself up as a local supplier in that market, yeah, their gear’s gonna be good.

Anyway, the official line is that AFN is one of the most well-equipped companies dedicated to the production and commercialisation of accessories for both off-road and on-road vehicles.

And you’d expect them to say that, wouldn’t you? But how’s this for a testimonial: AFN didn’t make its Centavos – now Euros, since about 2002 – selling 4WD accessories and equipment to the off roading public. Instead, it went to the hardest core user it could find – the military – and started producing 4x4 off-road protection systems for them.

Later, AFN diversified its customer base and extended its wares out to the UN; anyone’s who’s ever watched Blackhawk Down, Iron Man or any other flick featuring the UN vehicles, you’ll know what those vehicles are supposed to deal with. 

AFN soon realised the potential to grow and expand its market, and while the military may use vehicles that saw service during the Vietnam war era, to keep up with the ever-changing needs of the civilian consumer, AFN’s focus turned to innovation, and – using the benefits of modern technology today offers a range of products that transform the way people come to see after-market equipment for their vehicles.

And as we heard off-road and into the first quarter of the 21st Century, AFN has taken its expertise and products outside of Portugal and outside of Europe to one of the most demanding markets on the planet, Oceania. 

Yes, Oceania is mostly water, but there are two land masses where hardcore off roading is unlike anywhere else in the world, namely New Zealand and Australia. 

To be fair – and not wanting to open that can of Pavlova as to who came first (it WAS us), AFN first established itself in Aus, where the company saw the four-wheel drive market has been crying out for something different and new. As such, AFN has seen this gap in the market place.

But it wasn’t just a simple matter of, “here you go Aussies, have some of these high quality 4x4 accessories we’ve made and proven in Portugal.” 

That’d be as relevant as producing a jandal for a kangaroo, or a handkerchief for a Kiwi. The company that is AFN 4x4 Australia has a close working relationship with the European factory to produce a range of products particularly suited to the Australian and New Zealand markets.

AFN’s world leading approach and design philosophy to the front and rear protection of modern 4x4 vehicles, especially – involves a great deal of “where will this be used?” real world consideration.

“The days of just throwing on a bit of steel together to form a front protection system are gone,” says Gavin Duffield, owner and managing director of AFN4x4 Australia. “AFN is regarded as a leader in the way modern vehicle protection components are manufactured, with a tried and true formula of ‘Styling, Fit, Form and Function’, which the company says will become the benchmark for all other manufacturers.”

AFN employs automotive engineers who understand modern vehicle safety and design balance needed to develop the AFN-branded vehicle protection systems accordingly. 

“AFN puts a lot of effort into getting this balance correct and at the same time ensures the company’s branded bull-bars, rear carrier bars, side steps, rear step-bars and our unique aluminium underbody protection plates meet all ADR and Australian Standards requirements,” adds Gavin.

So, where would you go to find out about AFN4x4 in New Zealand? You could start with the www.afn4x4.co.m.au website; but bear in mind that’s largely in ‘Strine. If you do go there, make sure you get it right: its AFN4x4 – NOT AFL4x4 – that’s got something to do with what the Aussies call rugby. Or call 00 61 731 804 694.

To get the lowdown on AFN4x4 product – without the twang – give SUSD in Hastings a call; the team there is the first distributor for everything from the extensive AFN4x4 catalogue and can give you the ‘no BS’ ins and outs of the product range. www.susd.co.nz, 09 950 8717.

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