The Nevis Road 

Adventure NZ

The Nevis Road, in Northern Southland, is an absolute classic and should be on every Overlander’s bucket list reckons’s Richard Soult. 

In order to showcase the amount of route information available when you subscribe to ( which you can do at https://www.4x4explorer. ), we have added this as a FREE route, where you can access all the route information and download the GPX file for FREE. 

The Nevis Road, or Valley, is a Grade Two route that runs down the Eastern side of the Remarkables, following the Nevis River for nearly 70 kilometres. 

Being close to Queenstown, it is easily accessible and if you’re based there, makes for a great day out! 

Our preferred route to access the Nevis is from the Carricktown Track. This is a 14 kilometre, grade three track starting at Bannockburn and heading up to Duffers Saddle, which, at 1300 metres, is the highest public road in New Zealand.

The views from Duffers Saddle are truly spectacular! There is a signpost showing the direction of Aoraki (Mount Cook), some 200 kilometers away, which is clearly visible on a good day.

If you decide to do the trip in the other direction, the pub at Bannockburn is an excellent place to stop. The beer garden has great views over one of the best wine making areas of New Zealand, famous for its excellent Pinot Noir. My absolute favourite is Felton Road Block 5, but good luck in finding any, as most is sold whilst it's still on the vine...

On a clear day…

From Duffers Saddle, the road winds down to Nevis Crossing, which is an amazing spot to stop for a picnic or a swim. The views over the Remarkables are stunning on a clear day.

Once into the valley, you are immersed in Otago gold mining history and there are information panels along the way, which explain the rise and demise of the valley. It is well worth taking the time to stop and read the history of this place as you pass.

At Lower Nevis, there is also a nine-hole golf course that the locals have set out and play regularly. Only in New Zealand!

A signpost on one of the houses, states, in true Kiwi fashion, “No pub, no shop, no doctor, one cemetery.” Great Kiwi humour.

Straightforward but rewarding

This is a relatively straightforward and rewarding route to drive in a standard 4WD during good weather conditions. Heavy periods of rain can make the track muddy and some of the small river crossings slightly deeper. Full information on vehicle preparation and access details are provided on .

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