YOUR4s photo comp 2018

Adventure NZ

Congratulations to our March 2018 featured photographer Kyle Birchall from Tuakau, south-west of Auckland, for his NZ4WD magazine Your4s/Kumho Tyres overall 2018 competition-winning photograph. It was taken on what Kyle described at the time as his “annual  exploration of Northland’s finest trails: Pouto Beach, the Takahue Saddle, Crunchie Trail and 90 Mile Beach.” Our judges loved the drama of this particular shot, one commenting that (and we think he meant it as a compliment!!!) it would not look out of place on the cover of ‘one of the Aussie 4x4 mags!’ For his efforts Kyle wins a set (of four) Kumho 4x4 tyres. Thank you again everyone who entered, and remember, if you like taking photos (on a dedicated camera, or Smartphone) and you think you have some great shots of 4x4s in action share them with us (email to That’s what Kyle did and look where it got him!

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