Hosted by Motu 4WD Safari. The Safari begins at Motu School on Saturday, weaves in and out properties of Motu and our wider rural communities finishing at Motu on Monday 27th January. The Safari will tour overland and back country road with incredible views and interesting experiences on the way, travelling cross country over, farms, rivers and tracks.
The aim is to travel cross country as far as possible and practical, as always the weather has the ultimate say. The on-going Cyclone Gabriel effects, means there may be some changes to the itinerary as the Safari progresses!
The Safari is designed as a family affair, but will have enough interest to keep the more adventurous entertained.
Camping area arranged at Motu Village (BYO tents, caravans and campers).
Evening meals will be available to purchase. More details following registration.
Numbers are limited to 100 so first in first served. $100 deposit confirms acceptance. All vehicles to be registered and warranted so you comply with the access permits.
Email for registration forms Email Hamish 027 6820377 Paul 027 2438511