The Mangahao power station was the first hydro power station to be built as a government, rather than local council, initiative.
Opened in 1924 with a capacity of 19 MW it was the largest power station in New Zealand and initially supplied power to the Horowhenua. This was soon extended, with the 110 kilovolt (KV) transmission lines from Mangahao to Wellington, Taranaki, Hawke’s Bay and the Wairarapa being the forerunner of New Zealand’s extensive transmission grid.
Although the station generators were upgraded a number of times and output has doubled to 38 MW, this is now the smallest station in the grid (the Tongariro power scheme has almost 10 times the capacity).
To read the full story in the October 2016 issue of NZ4WD go to Ziniocom (September 26) or purchase your own hard copy